Saturday, March 22, 2008

Xubuntu Gutsy vs XP Pro SP3

I recently installed both Windows Service Pack 3 RC2 and Xubuntu Gutsy and after applying speed tweaks to both of them, i did a little speed test and here are my results:

.....................................................Xubuntu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, XP Pro SP3

Time to boot ...................................48 sec ............1 min 4 sec
Ram usage after boot ...................125 mb ..........188 mb
Ram with firefox open .................145 mb ...........206 mb
Time to shutdown ........................19 sec ..............21 sec

I personaly think that is very good for both operating systems but for now i'll go back to xubuntu for my full time os and leave XP for games.
o and by the way my xubuntu install size is only 1.7 gb!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Windows XP SP3

I just installed SP3 RC2 and its pretty good...not much of a difference but it shuts down/boots up faster and all my games/itunes works

Minimal Gutsy Install

Right now i am experimenting with different distros...i did a minimal gutsy install and got everything setup back to the way i had...and i got the install down to 1.7 gb and running on 140mb of ram it is awesome

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I just recently tried out Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron.... and i must say it was awesome my wireless card worked really well (in gutsy it didn't work at all i had to use ndiswrapper), except there was a memory leak for me and i don't know why. So, i went back to Gutsy and then the Usplash wouldn't start and it took forever to after some googling i found startup-manager and with some manual edits of my own i fixed it...and so having everything fixed i downloaded a script on ubuntuforums that let me download and use hardys developing kernel and after that my wireless was perfect (aside from some random ups and downs in bandwidth but its still faster than ndiswrapper)