Monday, November 3, 2008

openbox update

theme update guys. details if you ask

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Linux Cheat Sheet



command1 | command2 - Pipes the output of command1 into the input of command2

command1 && command 2 - Does command2 after command1 is finished

alias - Defines shortcut for a long command

apropos - searches manpages for keywords

history - Display recent commands

locate - finds files

whereis - finds executable files for a command

which - shows full pathname for a command

man - displays help file

printenv - Displays the environment variables

cd filepathhere - change current terminal directory

cat - Copies a file to the standard output

chmod - changes file permissions

chown - changes file ownerships

cp - copies files

diff - compares two text files

file - displays type of data in a file

find - locates files based on specified criteria

grep - searches for text in a file

ln - links a filename to a link name

ls - displays contents of current terminal directory

mkdir - make a directory

mount - mounts a file systen

mv - mova a file

pwd - displays current terminal directory

rm - deletes file

rmdir - deletes directories

umount - unmount filesystem

sudo - Super User DO (allows access to all system files USE AT OWN RISK!)

su - same as above but for multiple commands


/ -root directory (base of system)

/bin - executable programs

/boot - linux kernel and boot files

/dev - special device files

/etc - system configuration files

/home - home directoies of all users

/lib - library files for programs

/media - mount points for cd-rom, floppy etc.

/root - home directory of the root user

/sbin - system administration commands

/tmp - temporary directory

/usr - many important programs

/var - various system files such as logs

Best Night Ever!

tonight was my high schools homecoming (i had never been to one before) and i didn't really want to go because i didn't have a date and i heard it was lame. so me and my friend went out to eat before. turns out he set me up on a blind date with this BEAUTIFUL girl. we hung out and when we got to the dance we danced for a while and went our separate ways. well i was talking with some of my friends and two even more beautiful girls come up and ask me to dance. i hung out with them the rest of the night. so all in all tonight was awesome

Friday, October 3, 2008


here is my new screenie. i hope to post my full linux cheat sheet within the next week or so. just ask if you need details

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Arch Linux

its been a while since i posted....but i recently just installed Arch Linux. i had done it before but for some reason it was always slower than ubuntu no matter what de or wm i used. but i gave it a second chance and I'm glad i did. first i installed kdemod 4.1 (i haven't used kde since the early kde3 days) and i must was very nice...but it was missing a lot of stuff. so i went and uninstalled kdemod4.1 and i installed kdemod3. but i couldn't get it to install so i gave up on it. i was going to go try another distro when i saw a post on the arch forums about lxde...i had completely forgotten about lxde and i sincerely missed openbox and its speed. so right now I'm running arch Linux with lxde and i must say...its very good.

and btw...the screen shot IS of lxde. i just made it look kinda like kde 4.1

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Openbox FTW!

im now running a gnome/openbox setup. its awesome!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vote for My desktop

Well i changed my theme again...but i can't decide which to choose.

so im gonna let you vote.

option one is for the green theme (aka grass)

option two is for the blue theme (aka bubbles)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Linux Mint 5 RC 2 screenshots

i am trying to decide which i like best for the metacity theme on my desktop. Green or decide. you can vote with the poll to your left

Saturday, May 17, 2008

im back

sorry guys. school has sucked lately. but i just installed linux mint 5 beta and i must say its pretty good! the last versions wouldn't install right on my pc so this is the first time i have used it short of a live cd. the only thing i don't like is that for some reason i cant get full transparency on the gnome taskbar. not too many bugs so its pretty stable on my system. but ill probably use this for a while so ill continue my posts here.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

YAY! 100 POSTS!!

well i reached 100 posts in the ubuntu forums under the username myusername...yeah i know its been a while since i posted here but i just started football and school has been terrible...sorry

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Xubuntu Gutsy vs XP Pro SP3

I recently installed both Windows Service Pack 3 RC2 and Xubuntu Gutsy and after applying speed tweaks to both of them, i did a little speed test and here are my results:

.....................................................Xubuntu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, XP Pro SP3

Time to boot ...................................48 sec ............1 min 4 sec
Ram usage after boot ...................125 mb ..........188 mb
Ram with firefox open .................145 mb ...........206 mb
Time to shutdown ........................19 sec ..............21 sec

I personaly think that is very good for both operating systems but for now i'll go back to xubuntu for my full time os and leave XP for games.
o and by the way my xubuntu install size is only 1.7 gb!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Windows XP SP3

I just installed SP3 RC2 and its pretty good...not much of a difference but it shuts down/boots up faster and all my games/itunes works

Minimal Gutsy Install

Right now i am experimenting with different distros...i did a minimal gutsy install and got everything setup back to the way i had...and i got the install down to 1.7 gb and running on 140mb of ram it is awesome

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I just recently tried out Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron.... and i must say it was awesome my wireless card worked really well (in gutsy it didn't work at all i had to use ndiswrapper), except there was a memory leak for me and i don't know why. So, i went back to Gutsy and then the Usplash wouldn't start and it took forever to after some googling i found startup-manager and with some manual edits of my own i fixed it...and so having everything fixed i downloaded a script on ubuntuforums that let me download and use hardys developing kernel and after that my wireless was perfect (aside from some random ups and downs in bandwidth but its still faster than ndiswrapper)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Theme Updated

well i guess i am still working on this

I am Back

Sorry it has been a while since my last post...i was in Tennessee for a basketball tournament. I am on the Varsity we came in 3rd place

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dual Boot Working Again

It took me a while to setup because grub and the usplash were not working right but i fixed it all so as i promised here are the screenshots from my new gutsy install! i also installed the start menu from linux mint

as you can see i like the clean, stock look

Friday, February 15, 2008

New DVD Burner

I just bought a new LITEON DVD im slowly progressing towards vista (maybe that or just a really fast xp). so i'll have to buy more ram (at least 1 gig, i currently have 512 mb) and a new hd (at least 40gb, i currently have 2x20gb and 1x10gb) so right now im happy :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well, i just got a new pc...well almost new...anyway i have been busy installing Windows XP (a lite version i made using nlite) and im trying to dualboot ubuntu again (It would be a full install if it weren't for my friggin iTunes) but every attempt i have made has screwed up (i think from a bad cd) so i am reinstalling widows AGAIN

will post again with screenshots when i get themes and everything running
(hmmm wubi is looking really good right now)