Friday, February 29, 2008

Theme Updated

well i guess i am still working on this

I am Back

Sorry it has been a while since my last post...i was in Tennessee for a basketball tournament. I am on the Varsity we came in 3rd place

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dual Boot Working Again

It took me a while to setup because grub and the usplash were not working right but i fixed it all so as i promised here are the screenshots from my new gutsy install! i also installed the start menu from linux mint

as you can see i like the clean, stock look

Friday, February 15, 2008

New DVD Burner

I just bought a new LITEON DVD im slowly progressing towards vista (maybe that or just a really fast xp). so i'll have to buy more ram (at least 1 gig, i currently have 512 mb) and a new hd (at least 40gb, i currently have 2x20gb and 1x10gb) so right now im happy :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Well, i just got a new pc...well almost new...anyway i have been busy installing Windows XP (a lite version i made using nlite) and im trying to dualboot ubuntu again (It would be a full install if it weren't for my friggin iTunes) but every attempt i have made has screwed up (i think from a bad cd) so i am reinstalling widows AGAIN

will post again with screenshots when i get themes and everything running
(hmmm wubi is looking really good right now)